Copyright & Fair Use


Academic libraries in Israel base their copyright rules on the document written by the Forum for Accessible Education which outlines the principles of library use for teaching and research purposes. Use of digital journals / databases (including audio, images and data collections) obligates the user to honor copyright and the agreements signed between the Younes and Soraya Nazarian Library, University of Haifa, and the vendors.

Downloading the full text of a digital book or journal in its entirety, and / or systematic downloading, in commercial quantities, of portions of databases and journals, is forbidden and constitutes a violation of the copyright laws.

Access to and use of these sources is permitted to the staff and students of the University of Haifa, and is intended for personal use only, for purposes of research and study, not for commercial use. Distribution of these materials or making them accessible to anyone else not affiliated with the University is strictly forbidden.

Violation of these guidelines is liable to result in restriction of access to these sources for the entire University, and constitutes grounds for disciplinary action and/or invoking legal measures available to the University.


The Copyright Law of 2007 (Israel) applies to photocopying, scanning and replication by other means of copyright protected materials such as:

texts, pictures, illustrations, maps, audio and video segments, graphics and software applications (henceforth: the protected material).

The user is permitted to make "fair use" only of the protected material, according to the rules set by legislation (paragraph 19 of the copyright law). Fair use includes reasonable quoting from the protected material, provided that the source of the quote is cited. The user is forbidden to distort, harm or change the material, or any other action that results in lowering the value of the protected material, or which is liable to harm the dignity or reputation of the copyright holder.

In accordance with copyright law, it is forbidden for the user to copy, distribute, broadcast, deliver to a third party, to publicize or display in public protected material in general, and in particular audio and/or visual segments, in any form or manner whatsoever , including electronic or technical, without prior written permission from the copyright holder.

Interlibrary Loans & Document Delivery

The University of Haifa Library will provide print or digital copies of materials from its collection in keeping with the Copyright Law. Written assent from holders of copyright may be required. In certain cases, as articulated in the law, the University of Haifa Library may issue a copy of a work, or part thereof, for research purposes or personal use, according to the fair use directives. A patron who submits a request to copy, or make use of a copy that exceeds the limits of "fair use" will bear responsibility for violating the Copyright Law.

The University of Haifa Library reserves the right to refuse such a request should it consider fulfilling it a violation of the Copyright Law.

Theses Scanning Project

The University of Haifa Library is a repository for MA and PhD theses submitted in the University of Haifa. According to the Graduate Studies Authority’s regulations, graduate students are obligated to hand in print copies of their theses, and in recent years, digital copies as well. Lately, the library began scanning theses submitted only in printed format. These will be added to the existing digital collection, which includes thousands of theses. The digital theses are also added to the ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global database.

For any questions regarding the digital copies, please write Ms. Dana Lotan: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

For removal from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global, please send a request via this link.


The Library bears no responsibility for any damage, loss, expense or monetary loss caused to the user or any third party as a direct or indirect result of ignoring the copyright laws on the part of University staff or students.

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