S., Cae
S. J. (Sarah Jackson)
S9 Technologies
Abstract: "This dictionary includes more than 28,000 notable men and women who have shaped our world from ancient times to the present day. The dictionary can be searched by names, birth years, death years, positions held, professions, literary and artistic works, miscellaneous achievements, and other keywords"--title screen. (This information is correct for 10/2001. Material is being added constantly.)
Saa-Requejo, Jesus
Saake, Gunter, 1960-
Saban, Ilan
Sabatella, Marc
Abstract: Written by a jazz pianist and teacher, this is a guide to the history and techniques of jazz improvisation. Beginning with "A Brief History Of Jazz," the work moves on to discuss "Jazz Fundamentals," "Chord/Scale Relationships," "Applying
Theory To Improvisation," "Accompanying," "Playing With Others," "Listening Analytically," and "Breaking The Rules." The text has a detailed hyperlinked table of contents for easy access
Sabbath at home. nos. 5-6. 1867.
Sabin, Joseph, 1821-1881
SAC 2000 (2000 : Waterloo, Ontario, Canada)
SAC 2001 (2001 : Toronto, Ont.)
SAC 2002 (2002 : St, Johns, Nfld.)
Sacerdote, Bruce
Sachs, Jeffrey
Sack, J.-R. (Jorg-Rudiger), 1954-
Saco, Jose Antonio, 1797-1879
Abstract: Features the Internet classics archive, a searchable collection of classical Greek and Latin texts compiled by Daniel C. Stevenson and sponsored by the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology (MIT) program in writing and humanistic studies. includes Select Chinese, Persian, and other classical works in English translations. allows users to search by keyword. includes readers' comments. links to other
Resources on classical literature.
Sadie, Stanley
Abstract: Grovemusic.com includes the full text of The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, second edition and The New Grove Dictionary of Opera. Features include: 29 hardback volumes, and the first index volume since Groves dictionary of Music and Musicians (1890) 25 million words with over 29,000 articles over 9000 newly commissioned articles over 6000 contributors from all parts of the world meticulous cross-referencing coverage of new schools of thought within musicology, such as feminism, nazism and gay and lesbian music increased coverage of world, jazz, popular and 20th-century music.
Sadka, Efraim
Sadler, M. J. (Michele J.)
Sadler, Percy, b. ca. 1790
Sadr, Muhammad Baqir
Sadtler, Samuel P. (Samuel Philip), 1847-1923
Saeki, Osamu, 1955-
Safari Tech Books Online
Abstract: Quickly explains the most common beginning and intermediate level tasks an Excel user would need in 10 minutes or less. Each 10-minute lesson allows the user to quickly learn the fundamentals necessary to accomplish their goals. Covers the most commonly referenced topics.
Abstract: The 10 Minute Guide to MS Frontpage 2002 quickly explains the most common beginning and intermediate level tasks a FrontPage user would need focuses on the most often used features, covering them in lessons designed to take ten minutes or less to complete. In addition, this guide teaches the user how to use FrontPage without relying on technical jargon.
Abstract: The 10 Minute Guide to MS Visio 2002 is designed to quickly explain the most common beginning and intermediate level tasks a Visio user would need to create better looking and more communicative diagrams to augment their Word documents and PowerPoint presentations.
Abstract: ASP in a Nutshell provides reference documentation that web application developers need to create effective Active Server Pages. It focuses on how features are used in a real application and highlights little-known or undocumented features. The second edition covers ASP 3.0 and IIS 5.0.
Abstract: Brings the elements of a database together using easy to understand language, perfect for the true beginner. It not only gives specific hands on practice, but also provides an overview of designing, maintaining and using a database. This book covers what databases are used for, why databases are important, why the design of the database is important, database normalization, keys to solid database design, differences in types of databases, and indexes--what they are, how we use them, and why they are important.
Abstract: The book shows the reader how to physically connect computers and other devices to a network and access peripherals such as printers over the network. Readers will also be able to configure computers to access the network and the network to share an Internet connection. This book will provide easy-to-understand details on new technologies and background information (such as basic networking, including protocols and physical infrastructure) necessary for the user to network computer devices.
Abstract: This book is a tool that teaches how to use all of these features of Outlook in a quick and easy manner.
Abstract: This book contains hundreds of step-by-step solutions for both common and uncommon problems that you might encounter with Active Directory--including recipes to deal with the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP), multi-master replication, Domain Name System (DNS), Group Policy, the Active Directory Schema, and many other features.
Abstract: Provides system and network administrators, IT professionals, technical project managers, and programmers with a clear, detailed look at Active Directory for both Windows 2000 and Windows Server 2003.
Abstract: Adobe After Effects is the ultimate tool for creating motion graphics and visual effects for film, video, or the Web. The latest version boasts exciting new features, such as a built-in file format, cross-platform plug-ins, and powerful new video.
Abstract: In this completely updated second edition of the 1997 best seller, Dick Steflik and Prashant Sridharan bring you tips on the hottest new developments in Java and its family of technologies. For seasoned programmers who need to stay current on Java for network applications, this is the book with the answers.
Abstract: This book begins with a brief introduction to low-level configuration, including a guide to getting your network up and running. Part II outlines those servers and procedures most likely to be used by the computers on your local network: DHCP servers, Kerberos, Samba, time servers, and network backups, among others. Part III covers Internet servers: DNS, SMTP (sendmail, Postfix, and Exim), Apache, and FTP servers. Part IV examines network security, exploring such topics as using a chroot jail, iptables configuration, and VPNs. Wherever pertinent, the author addresses the differences between Caldera OpenLinux, Debian GNU/Linux, Mandrake, Red Hat, Slackware, SuSE, and TurboLinux
Abstract: A book about leading with values, leading by example, and - in so doing - unleashing the astonishing commitment and innovation that are buried within your organization right now.
Abstract: A practical, hands-on guide to the installation, configuration, and administration of the Apache Web server. It will show you how to build and configure Apache with the features and modules you need, how to secure the server, how to interpret log files, and how to tune the server's performance. While aimed primarily at Apache server administrators, the book also contains information for developers interested in building dynamic Web sites on top of the Apache server using either CGI or modperl.
Abstract: Volume 1 of this advanced 3-volume guide explores the infrastructure issues so important to good application design. It isn't just a book about Entity Beans and JNDI. It takes you step by step through building the back end, designing the data store so that it gives you convenient access to the data your application needs; designing a directory; figuring out how to handle security and where to store security credentials you need; and so on.
Abstract: The practical angle of Building Java Enterprise Systems with J2EE provides the conceptual background and wealth of code examples needed to actually assemble systems in a useful manner with the J2EE technologies. Furthermore, this book demonstrates how the technologies complement and build on top of one another via evolution of a cohesive and real sample application. You can use this book to learn, develop, and design your custom applications immediately.
Abstract: Drawing on lessons learned by leading M-Business implementers in many industries, Evans walks through every stage of the successful M-Business initiative: design, process models, architecture, and, above all, execution. Along the way, he helps you identify your best M-Business opportunities for employees, partners, and customers; clear away key process and technology obstacles; and avoid the pitfalls of M-Business technology selection.
Abstract: C Pocket Reference consists of two parts: a compact description of the C language and a thematically structured reference to the standard library. The representation of the language is based on the ANSI standard and includes extensions introduced in 1999.
Abstract: C++ Primer Plus, Fourth Edition presents the ANSI C++ standard beginning with a discussion of the essential elements of C++ programming: loops, expressions, functions, and classes.
Abstract: This book combines the knowledge of a key Cocoon developer with the experience of someone who has been building and writing about Internet applications since the early 1990's. It begins by explaining the advantages of XML, then guides the reader through the process of setting up Cocoon and details the architecture from a user's as well as a developer's point of view. The varied examples, from the typical Hello World program to a complete news portal also help to provide an insight into applying open source software to "real world" problems. A detailed reference section documents the various components available in Cocoon and provides the developer with the necessary API documentation.
Abstract: Computer Networking Essentials starts with an introduction to networking concepts. You will learn computer networking terminology and history, and then dive into the technical concepts involved in sharing data across a computer network. A survey of networking hardware and software will show you how the hardware components, the server and client operating systems, and the networking protocols work together to make that data sharing possible.
Abstract: The experienced Java developer's guide to persistence with JDO.
Abstract: This is a practical guide to PHP 4 for Web developers. With the guidance of top PHP developer Leon Atkinson, you'll learn everything you'll need to build robust, fast Web applications \2014 and deploy them on leading Web servers, from Apache to Microsoft Internet Information Server.
Abstract: A thorough overview of today's best solutions, and a reliable step-by-step process for building warehouses that meet their objectives. It answers the key questions asked by everyone involved in a data warehouse initiative: project sponsors, developers, managers, and CIOs
Abstract: This book draws together the principles of object-oriented programming with the power of design patterns to create an environment for robust and reliable software development. Packed with practical and applicable examples, this book teaches you to solve common programming problems with patterns--and explains the advantages of patterns for modern software design.
Abstract: Design Patterns Explained, Second Edition is the field's simplest, clearest, most practical introduction to patterns. Using dozens of updated Java examples, it shows programmers and architects exactly how to use patterns to design, develop, and deliver software far more effectively.
Abstract: Featuring fifty-seven valuable rules of thumb, Effective Java Programming Language Guide contains working solutions to the programming challenges most developers encounter each day. Offering comprehensive descriptions of techniques used by the experts who developed the Java platform, this book reveals what to do - and what not to do - in order to produce clear, robust and efficient code.
Abstract: This comprehensive and invaluable book combines the author's years of practical experience with technical expertise to help you manage Unix systems as productively and painlessly as possible.
Abstract: Final Cut Pro 3 for Macintosh: Visual QuickPro Guide introduces video producers to the comprehensive set of tools available in Final Cut Pro. Step-by-step instructions lead readers through the basics and quickly into more advanced projects in video editing. All the important features of Apple's newest application are covered in detail--the easy-to-use interface, plug-and-play capability, integration with QuickTime software, as well as a host of other features and tools that enhance workflow and productivity.
Abstract: You'll find all the concise, practical advicet, that made the first edition a worldwide bestseller, plus entirely new coverage of debugging, JavaScript, and using tables for page layout, and an expanded section on Cascading Style Sheets
Abstract: The authors cover every element of HTML/XHTML in detail, explaining how each element works and how it interacts with other elements.
Abstract: An indispensable reference for web designers, authors and programmers, this concise guide to every HTML tag has been brought up-to-date with the current HTML specification (4.01). Each tag entry includes detailed information on the tag's attributes and support information for the latest web browsers--Netscape 6, IE 6, and Opera 5. Author Jennifer Niederst provides context for the tags, indicating which are grouped together, and offers bare-bones examples of how standard web page elements are constructed.
Abstract: A reader can understand how web applications work, how the core Internet protocols and architectural building blocks interact, and how to correctly implement Internet clients and servers
Abstract: The HTTP Pocket Reference provides a solid conceptual foundation of HTTP, and also serves as a quick reference to each of the headers and status codes that compose an HTTP transaction.
Abstract: In Hacker's Delight, veteran programmer Hank Warren shares the tricks he has collected from his considerable experience in the worlds of application and system programming. Most of these techniques are eminently practical, but a few are included just because they are interesting and unexpected. The resulting work is an irresistible collection that will help even the most seasoned programmers better their craft.
Abstract: In High Performance MySQL you will learn about MySQL indexing and optimization in depth so you can make better use of these key features. You will learn practical replication, backup, and load-balancing strategies with information that goes beyond available tools to discuss their effects in real-life environments. And you'll learn the supporting techniques you need to carry out these tasks, including advanced configuration, benchmarking, and investigating logs.
Abstract: This IBM Redbook explains the IBM approach to creating e-business solutions. This publication targets IT specialists and architects who want to learn about proven technologies, products, and solutions to build advanced e-business applications. This publication is also written for the technical professional who is planning to take IBM Certification Test 815, IBM e-business Solution Design. This is a revision of Test 811, Designing IBM e-business Solutions.
Abstract: This book integrates JavaScript with .NET, XML, XSLT, Java, CSS, HTML, Cookies, Security, and much more. Written for beginning to intermediate readers looking to learn how to work with JavaScript and how best to use it with other web technologies.
Abstract: Contains comprehensive information on deploying, managing, and troubleshooting systems using both Windows NET and its predecessor. Readers get the in-depth, practical knowledge they need to master the hundreds of complex and often frustrating features found in Windows NET Server.
Abstract: Inside XML is an anchor book that covers both the Microsoft and non-Microsoft approach to XML programming. It covers in detail the hot aspects of XML; such as, DTDs vs. XML Schemas, CSS, XSL, XSLT, Xlinks, Xpointers, XHTML, RDF, CDF, parsing XML in Perl and Java, and much more.
Abstract: How do you start using NET, and how do you profit from it? Get the answers to these questions and more in the entertaining second edition of this book now expanded with seven new chapters based on final release code for the NET Framework.
Abstract: This book offers Java developers short, focused pieces of code that are easy to incorporate into other programs.
Abstract: Java Servlet Programming covers everything you need to know to write effective servlets. Topics include: serving dynamic Web content, maintaining state information, session tracking, database connectivity using JDBC, and applet-servlet communication.
Abstract: In addition, to help you get started using databases with JavaScript, this book provides instructions to middleware such as CGI, ASP, PHP pages and SQL databases.
Abstract: This book is for people who are familiar with HTML and are ready to move up to the next level to make their sites more dynamic and exciting.
Abstract: Provides a complete overview of the core JavaScript language and client-side scripting environment, as well as quick-reference material on core and client-side objects, methods, and properties.
Abstract: JavaScript Developer's Dictionary covers all the essential functions, methods, and objects of JavaScript in an easy-to-find, logical order.
Abstract: The Definitive Guide shows you how to implement Kerberos on Windows and Unix systems for secure authentication. In addition to covering the basic principles behind cryptographic authentication, it covers everything from basic installation to advanced topics like cross-realm authentication, defending against attacks on Kerberos, and troubleshooting.
Abstract: LDAP Directories Explained provides technical managers and those new to directory services with a fundamental introduction to LDAP. This concise guide examines how the technology works and gives an overview of the most successful directory products in an easy-to-reference format.
Abstract: Learning Debian GNU/Linux guides the new user of Linux through the installion and configuration of Debian GNU/Linux. Debian is the purely Open Source Linux distribution, crafted and maintained by a worldwide network of volunteers.
Abstract: Learning Oracle PL/SQL will bring programmers up to speed on the most important aspects of PL/SQL, including web and Internet programming
Abstract: The book begins with an introduction to PHP, then moves to more advanced features: language basics, arrays and functions, web forms, connecting to databases, and much more.
Abstract: Learning Red Hat Linux guides you through the process of installing and running Red Hat Linux on your PC. Written in a friendly, easy-to-understand style, this book contains all you need to get started.
Abstract: Learning Visual Basic NET is a complete introduction to VB.NET and object-oriented programming. By using hundreds of examples, this book demonstrates how to develop various kinds of applications--including those that work with databases and web s
Abstract: Covers all of the features of bash Version 2.0, while still applying to bash Version 1.x.
Abstract: This second edition covers all of the features of bash Version 2.0, while still applying to bash Version 1.x. It includes one-dimensional arrays, parameter expansion, more pattern-matching operations, new commands, security improvements, additions to ReadLine, improved configuration and installation, and an additional programming aid, the bash shell debugger.
Abstract: This completely updated guide to editing with vi, the editor available on nearly every Unix system, now covers four popular vi clones and includes command summaries for easy reference. It starts with the basics, followed by more advanced editing tools, such as ex commands, global search and replacement, and a new feature, multiscreen editing.
Abstract: Presents all of today's best practices for managing Linux and Windows together. You'll find authoritative guidance for the entire IT lifecycle: network planning, directory services, configuration, deployment, application development administration, Web/intranet support, remote access, file/print, backup/restore, optimization, security, and much more. Includes extensive coverage of Windows XP and Windows 2000.
Abstract: Linux Desk Reference, Second Edition packs information about every command Linux users need-organized for maximum value and convenience.
Abstract: UNIX in a Nutshell is a complete reference containing all commands and options, with descriptions and examples that put the commands in context. For all but the thorniest Unix problems, this one reference should be all you need. Covers System V Release 4 and Solaris 7.
Abstract: Linux Routing is a tutorial-reference written for experienced Linux users and administrators, as well as general network administrators, who want to set up a router instead of using the simple gateways Linux provides.
Abstract: Linux System Security makes you an expert fast, with insiders' coverage of the "gotchas," "rules of thumb," and undocumented tricks you'd otherwise have to learn the hard way. Coverage includes: preparing Linux systems for a production environment; identifying vulnerabilities, and planning for security administration; configuring Linux-based firewalls, authentication, and encryption; intrusion detection on Linux systems; securing filesystems, email, web servers, and other key applications; and, protecting mixed Linux/Unix and Windows NT environments.
Abstract: Offers a thorough treatment of Mac OS X version 10.2, from its BSD Unix foundation to Aqua, the new user interface.
Abstract: Macromedia Dreamweaver MX: Training from the Source leads you through a series of 17 project-based lessons in which you learn how to create and maintain Web sites using Macromedia's popular Web design software.
Abstract: This book covers the whole process, from installation to programming interfaces and database administration. It includes ample tutorial material and examples.
Abstract: The authors cover the full range of Oracle SQL features that apply to query writing. Learn to write UNION queries that take full advantage of SQL's set orientation, and ways to use Oracle's new analytic SQL features to write ranking queries, lag and lead queries, and more.
Abstract: This book offers robust solutions for everyday programming tasks, providing all the necessary information to understand and use common programming techniques. It includes implementations and real-world examples of each data structure in the text and full source code on the accompanying disk. Intended for anyone with a basic understanding of the C language
Abstract: Regular expressions are an extremely powerful tool for manipulating text and data. They are now standard features in a wide range of languages and popular tools, including Perl, Java, VB.NET and C# (and any language using the .NET Framework), PHP, Python, Ruby, Tcl, MySQL, awk, and Emacs. If you don't use regular expressions yet, you will discover in this book a whole new world of mastery over your data. If you already use them, you'll appreciate this book's unprecedented detail and breadth of coverage.
Abstract: Maximum Accessibility is a comprehensive resource for creating Web sites that comply with new U.S. accessibility standards and conform to the World Wide Web Consortium's Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0.
Abstract: Maximum Wireless Security is a practical handbook that reveals the techniques and tools crackers use to break into wireless networks, and that details the steps network administrators need to take to secure their systems.
Abstract: Quickly explain the most common beginning and intermediate level tasks an Outlook user would need in 10 minutes or less.
Abstract: 10 Minute Guide to Microsoft PowerPoint 2002 offers simple, practical help for busy people who need results fast. Through goal-oriented, 10-minute lessons, you'll learn all the essential tasks for getting productive with Microsoft PowerPoint 2002.
Abstract: Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Unleashed offers a variety of topics for system and database administrators to help them learn new features of the product and to solve problems they face on a daily basis.
Abstract: Quickly explains the most common beginning and intermediate level tasks a Word user would need. This book focuses on the most often used features, covering them in lessons designed to take ten minutes or less to complete.
Abstract: The 10 Minute Guide to MS Access 2002 quickly explains the most common beginning and intermediate level tasks an Access user would need. This book focuses on the most often used features, covering them in lessons designed to take ten minutes or less to complete. In addition, this guide teaches the user how to use Access without relying on technical jargon. It provides straightforward, easy-to-follow explanations and lists of numbered steps that tell the user which keys to press and which options to select.
Abstract: MSQL: Building User Interfaces is written for developers who want to build GUI database applications using MySQL and GTK+. Mathew Stucky demonstrates how to begin, plan, build, and deploy custom applications that can be cross-compiled for either Linux or Microsoft Windows platforms.
Abstract: MSQL: Building User Interfaces is written for developers who want to build GUI database applications using MySQL and GTK+.
Abstract: MySQL 4.0, is an update to the database management system that has many new features, including a new table definition file format, enhanced replication, and more functions for a full text search.