Societies and centers relating to the study of the Bible and the Ancient Near East (Selection)Ò

The Orion Center for the Study of the Dead Sea Scrolls, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
The Orion Center was established in 1995 as part of the Institute for Jewish Studies at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. The web site provides many resources for the study of the Scrolls, as well as information about the Center's activities and programs.

Institute of Archaeology
The Institute of Archaeology of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Ecole biblique et archeologique francaise de Jerusalem
The Ecole biblique et archeologique francaise de Jerusalem publishes the series etudes Bibliques (1900-), and the periodical Revue Biblique (1892-). Accumulation of knowledge was put at the service of the first modern translation of the Bible (1956), which because it originated at the Ecole Biblique became known as the Jerusalem Bible.

Biblical Archaeology Society
The Biblical Archaeology Society publishes the Bible Review and the Biblical Aechaeology Review.

Palestine Exploration Fund
The Palestine Exploration Fund is engaed with the archaeology, history and geography of the Levant. Publishes: The Palestine Exploration Quarterly.

Society of Biblical Literature
The Society of Biblical Literature publishes: Journal of Biblical Literature, Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion, Semeia: Archive Only, Review of Biblical Literature.

The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago
The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago publishes Abzu (Internet Resources on the Ancient Near East), Research Archives On-Line Catalog, Recommended reading on the Ancient Near East, ANE – Electronic Discussion List and Electronic Publications On-line.

American Schools of Oriental Research
The American Schools of Oriental Research publishes: Basor (Bulletin of Asor), NEA (Near Eastern Archaeology) and JCS (Journal of Cuneiform Studies).

The Israel Society For Assyriology and Ancient Near Eastern Studies
The aims of the Israel Society For Assyriology and Ancient Near Eastern Studies are to develop and promote scientific research and academic teaching in all areas of Assyriology and Ancient Near Eastern Studies in Israel.

International Association for Assyriology (IAA)
The aim of the International Association for Assyriology (IAA) is to serve as a platform for scholars working in Cuneiform Studies, and Near Eastern Archaeology.

Rai website - Leiden University - Assyriology
The site lists institutions working in the field of Cuneiform Studies (Assyriology, Hittitology, Ugaritology) and Near Eastern Archeology.

The Neo-Assyrian Text Corpus Project
The aim of the Neo-Assyrian Text Corpus Project is to collect all published and unpublished Neo-Assyrian texts into an electronic database.

Professional Societies and Electronic Journals and On-line Discussion Groups Relating to the Ancient Mediterranean
Links to Societies, Electronic Journals and On-line Discussion Groups focusing on the Ancient Near East, compiled by K. C. Hanson.
