Accessibility for Special Needs Users
Getting to the Library
The entrance to the library is situated in the 700 level entrance of the Main Building. Movement between the renovated level and the new wing by means of the two walkways connecting them.Visitors who choose to enter the building from the 500 floor entrance are invited to go up one floor. The elevator is located near the cafeteria.
Voice Navigation System for the Visually Impaired
Step Hear
The library operates a voice navigation system for the visually impaired. The system includes an amplifier base and a remote control for the use of the visually impaired. When the patron approaches the amplifier base, the remote control vibrates and/or beeps to indicate the presence of nearby guiding system.
The system operates at the following library locations:
- Main library entrance
- The upper level connecting the main entrance and the elevator
- Near the elevator on the first floor in order to indicate leaving the library level to go down
- Near the first floor elevator
- In the previous library main entrance, on the way to the visually impaired learning center (Aleh association)
- Near the visually impaired learning center (Aleh association)
For further information please visit the following website
Hearing aid system
A special hearing aid system has been add to the reference desk and the library secretary office.
The system filters and neutralizes background sounds and acoustic noises, allowing patrons to hear only the voice of the service provider sitting in front of them. For additional information (in Heb.), click the following link.
Accessible workstation
The library accessible workstation includes an accessible desk designed for persons with physical disabilities or persons using a wheelchair.
For more information, contact the reference desk.
Lifts and Stair Lift
Central Wing: on the Central wing (library entrance) – a Stair lift to level 2.5 is available. Any floor at the library is accessible from level 2.5 (via elevators).
Northern Wing: on the Northern wing – two lifts are available.
Southern Wing: on the Southern wing (new wing) – two lifts are located at two entrances (level one and two).
Assistance Among the Shelves
Readers who have loan privileges and experience difficulties searching books or accessing shelves are invited to use the "Itur Services" by placing a book request in the library's web catalog.
The reader will be notified when the book is found and kept in the Circulation Dept. Visitors (who have no loan privileges) can use the Reference Desk. where they can also get help locating the books.
Learning Center for the Visually Impaired
A study room equipped with computers, special computer software and other peripheral equipment such as magnifying equipment, Braille screen and printer, a scanner and a reading aloud program.
It was established in the library in 2000, for the benefit of visually impaired students. The students participate special training lessons in the use of computers and computer software.