Library Forms

People with disabilities are eligible for assistance in filling out the forms.

Interlibrary loan at no charge

Book Loan / Thesis / Book Chapter / Article request from another library
Sign in and then click on the link "Fill in the book 
from another library form" or
"Fill in the Scan request form"


Order a scan from the library collections at no charge

To order a scan from library collection please sign in and then
and then click on the link "Fill in the Scan request form"
Click for more information

To order a book to be sent to your home, please fill in
the following form


Deposit of research and teaching materials

Deposit Thesis / Ph.D.  More information


Database trial feedback   

Library Discussion and Study Rooms

To check room availability and request your reservation click the link: Electronic online discussion room reservation system.

Please note: The library discussion rooms are high in demand.these rooms are for group use only and not for individual use.

Please be punctual and arrive to a reserved room on time. A reserved discussion room will be held reserved for 15 minutes. If the reserver doesn't arrive during those 15 minutes the room will become available to other students.


discussion rooms
© 2024 University of Haifa - the Library, all rights reserved / 199 Aba Khoushy Ave., Mt. Carmel, Haifa. POB 3338, 3103301 / Contact us / 972-4-8240289
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