AI tools for research

A list of search tools for research based on AI (artificial intelligence) for locating academic information sources appears in the following link 
The search results must be viewed critically and verified.

Virtual Reality (VR) Room

The VR room is meant for the academic staff and the students at the University of Haifa, by appointment. The room enables practical application of virtual reality technology for research and study tasks, using the most advanced technology in the field. The service is a joint effort between the Library and the Unit for Online Learning.

The room is situated on floor 2.5 in the library, room 286.

The equipment

Desktop stations

Graphic computers

55” Televisions

34” Monitors

Oculus Quest 2 headset

PICO Neo headset

Classvr kit

360 camera

Reserving the room

Reservation is done via an online form.
Activity hours (by appointment only)

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Pedagogical mentorship integrating Virtual Reality is provided by the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Library Services - Downtown Haifa Campus

Loan Services

Book Loans - after searching the library catalogue and going through the remote access process (login to personal account) place a request by clicking the link labeled "Request a delivery to Downtown Haifa Campus" and follow the instructions. Circulation Department librarians handle the delivery of books to the campus. About two days after receiving the e-mail notification that the book was loaned, the patron should contact the Dylan building staff on floor 0, room 001, between 08:30-20:30 Monday-Thursday to collect the book.

Book Returns - books should be returned to the book return box in the Dylan building manager's office. Books will be discharged from the patron's library account when they arrive in the library. Tracking of renewals and return dates - books are automatically renewed as long as there are no orders from other patrons. Patrons must check the status of their loans under "My account – loans and requests" (reader card), in order to return items ordered by other patrons on time and avoid unnecessary delays and fines.
For further assistance please contact the Circulation Desk by phone 04-8249770/1 or email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Reference Services

The Reference Department offers assistance to students and faculty members in locating appropriate materials by fields of study.

You are welcome to contact us with any questions in any of the following ways:

Email For University of Haifa students & faculty 

WhatsApp The service is available Sundays through Thursdays between 8:00 and 18:00 and on Fridays between 8:00 and 12:30 at the following number 054-3933090 

1 X 1 Reference service For University of Haifa students & faculty 

Scanning Service

Allows the university community to order scans of journal articles and book chapters (including the table of contents) from the library's collection, and to receive them by email via the following link: Order a scan of a journal article or book chapter


The library wishes you a productive and successful year!

How can we help you?

During your studies at the university, you will be asked to read articles and books, write term papers, theses and even a dissertation. At the library, both physically and remotely, you will find professionals who can aid you in finding any materials you require.

Our collection is rich and varied. Our technology and information systems enable you to search for information on your own as well.

Other than that, our library is a wonderful place to sit and study.

There are spaces for independent and group studies, accessorized discussion rooms, as well as kitchenettes and resting areas with beanbags.

And there is so much more…

On this page you can see all our prominent services available to you.
Any questions can be sent by WhatsApp to: +972-54-3933090. 

opening hours

Library opening hours during the academic year

Sundays-Thursdays: 08:00-20:00

Fridays: 08:00-13:00

Library services end fifteen minutes before the Library closes. Changes in the opening hours are published in the following link


Discussions room

Reserve a discussion room

The library discussion rooms are high in demand. These rooms are for group use only.

To check room availability and request your reservation (for two hours only) click the following link.

Library material for courses

Library materials for courses

Course materials are available through the library website and directly on Moodle.

Information retrieval

Information retrieval

The library staff prepared short tutorials for easy and efficient use of the search engine.
The following pair of videos explains how to search for books and how to search for articles.

Additional video tutorials and guides for independent use of the library’s resources are available at this link

Information Literacy software is available to you on Moodle here.

Remote access to library resources

Remote access to library resources

To search the library's databases and get access to electronic items (books and articles), you must remotely connect to the library's resources. See the following short video to learn how.

Assistance in finding materials

Assistance in finding materials and information

Face-to-face assistance
Face-to-face assistance at the reference desk will be provided on the beginning of the academic year on Sundays-Thursdays between 08:00-18:00

We are available via WhatsApp on Sundays through Thursdays between 08:00 to 18:00 and on Fridays between 08:00 to 12:30
Use the number: 054-3933090 to send us a message through WhatsApp

Email reference service
Are you writing a paper and need help finding articles and books? You can also contact us by email. We are happy to assist you in the search process.
We usually send search results. We can also send up to three articles in full text if needed.

Personal assistance via Zoom meeting

You can schedule a Zoom video session with us during which we will assist you with information search and retrieval. More information at the following link.

Circulation service

Circulation service

The Circulation Desk, which is located at the entrance to the library, is responsible for lending library items and discharging them once
they are returned, supplying books that were ordered from the shelf or from other readers, and regulating library services to readers. 
More information at the following link.

Article and book chapter scans

Article and book chapter scans from the library collection

you can order scans of articles and book chapters (including table of contents) from the library collection at no cost. 
You can order up to three scans a day for free and receive them by email. Additional information and an order form can be found at the following link.

Ordering articles and books

Ordering articles and books from other libraries in israel and abroad

If the library does not have access to an item you need, we can to locate it in another library. You may order books, theses and articles from other libraries in the country. It is recommended to request Scans and not Book Loans. For additional information and to open an order form click on the following link.

The library staff is at your service,

We hope to see you at the library and remotely.

Questions? Requests? Suggestions? Feel free toThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. the library director.

Citation Rules

What is a citation?

A bibliographic citation is basic information required to identify and locate a published item uniquely (book, chapter number, article, web page, video etc.).

What is a citation style?

A citation style is a set of rules on how to cite sources in academic writing. Whenever you refer to someone else's work, a citation is required to avoid plagiarism. Different academic disciplines have specific guidelines for organizing information and citing sources. It is important to maintain uniformity of style.

Most common citation styles


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