Reserved Books Loans

There is no limit to the number of reserved books that can be loaned at one time for students or faculty. The Reserve room is an open-shelf collection. Readers can go to the shelves and choose the desired books themselves. Books are loaned at the Reserve desk by presenting an identity card (such as a student card or a faculty card) that proves eligibility for library services.

Loan period of Reserved books

Books with black tape can be loaned overnight (from two hours prior to the closing of the library until 10:00 the next day), for two hours during the day or for a week-end (from Thursday at 15:45 till Sunday at 10:00). 
Books with grey tape or grey/green tape can be loaned at any time during library opening hours for three days.

Returning of Reserved books

Reserved books can be returned at any time during library opening hours. Overnight loans must be returned by 10:00 the next day. Fines will be incurred on overdue books for each day each book is overdue (not including days that the library is closed). Readers with overdue books or unpaid fines are not entitled to library services until their fines have been paid. Readers may submit requests to cancel or to reduce the amount of a fine. Reserved books can be returned by mail or courier. The discharge date is the date that the books arrive in the Reserve room. It is the reader's responsibility to make sure that books arrive in the Reserve room and are discharged. After library opening hours Reserved books can be returned to the "Return box" on the fourth floor of Eshkol tower. The return date will be considered the next library opening day.

Renewing Reserved books

The items will be renewed automatically unless they are requested by another patron. We strongly advise that you regularly check your account on the library home page for updates.. Books that have been requested by other readers will not be renewed.

For Librarians and Libraries

Interlibrary loan unit management

This website is designed to provide information on Interlibrary loans (ILL) and document delivery in Israel and abroad. It is divided into three main areas: Management of work processes, Search tools, and Professional updates, which are updated regularly. Recommendations for inclusion should be sent to: Dr. Lynne Porat This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Ex Libris users Group - Israel

The website was created and is maintained by Shelly Chen-Aridor - librarian from our library who is also chair of the MELI steering committee.

National Library links for librarians and libraries

In the following links: information from the interlibrary cataloging committee, RDA documents and ULS code table.

Library Tutorial

We would like to invite you to an online tutorial to get acquainted with the Nazarian Library at the University of Haifa.

Library tutorial

Acquisitions, Cataloging and Clasification

The Acquisitions, Cataloging and Clasification services purchases, catalogs and classifies materials and also handles binding and repair
of books. The objective of the service is to speedily order and process print and non-print materials selected by faculty and librarians for study and research purposes.

- General Collection Development Policy (in Heb.)
- New Content in the Library by Subject

For more information please contact

Head of Technical Services Department 
Sharon Shapira-Glaubach
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Technical Services Branch

Younes and Soraya Nazarian Library, University of Haifa
Mount Carmel, Haifa 3103301, Israel
Fax: 972-4-8249170 ; Tel: 972-4-8288169

Remote Library Reference by Email

Enter your identity number and a form will open for your question. 

Fill it out and a reply will be sent to the Email address you have specified within two work days, at the most.

Enter your identity number (9 digits, including the control digit)

Service to staff and students of the University of Haifa includes:

- Support of remote search processes
- Information about library services

Good to know - In addition to our email reference service, we are also available on WhatsApp at 054-3933090 for quick inquiries. Feel free to contact us. whatsapp

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